Cash Umemura
Major magazines published photographer Cash Umemura photographs celebrities, actors and Olympics athletes
Dir. of Photography (DP) | Master of Photography | Cinematographer | Visit official HD film/movie website at
“Beautiful woman inside n out. It is this inner beauty that I try to capture in a photograph.” ―Cash Umemura
“So many great people through my photography I’ve met all my life. I’d like to meet and shoot with more.” ―Cash Umemura
“You only get one shot at life so make it count. There’s no more retakes/reshoots.” ―Cash Umemura
“I shoot like there’s no tomorrow.” ―Cash Umemura
“Photo got to be photo. Heavily retouched/photoshopped pictures are called CG(computer graphics).” ―Cash Umemura
“If you photoshop your photos too much, they will be photoshit” ―Cash Umemura
Cash Umemura: “Dream” filmed with Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
高校時代は陸上競技部に所属し、全国高校総体400mR、7位のメンバー。在学中より、二科会会員、花の会会長、写真家 高橋扶臣男氏に師事。二科会名誉理事 故・鶴岡義雄画伯は親戚にあたる。米国カリフォルニア州サンタモニカ大学 写真学部卒業後、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校、そして帰国。写真家 立木義浩氏に師事し1997年フリーランスに。同年、再び渡米。雑誌・広告を中心に、俳優、女優やオリンピック、スポーツ選手撮影など幅広く活動中。