photographerla: @ChellyJang lol
Monthly Archives: May 2009
photographerla: Adobe "auto" NEVER work!!! adjusting "one by one" by myself for 400 pics…I know I know *time consuming* wtf lol
photographerla: Adobe “auto” NEVER work!!! adjusting “one by one” by myself for 400 pics…I know I know *time consuming* wtf lol
photographerla: Holy sh** half way… 200 pics to go ugh.
photographerla: Holy sh** half way… 200 pics to go ugh.
photographerla: done with focus check on Taylor's B&W pics. damn #digital! f***ing super shallow depth of field. time to smoke outside [Production Studio]
photographerla: done with focus check on Taylor’s B&W; pics. damn #digital! f***ing super shallow depth of field. time to smoke outside [Production Studio]